Raising Sparks

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Feb. 17th

-Yesterday went to the UT library and checked out some Tavener, Part and Macmillan material.
-Watched 2 DVDs: "Beyond the Veil" on Tavener and "24 Preludes for a Fugue"on Part.
Tavener seems like a celebrity- eccentric and confident. To me, he comes off as rather pompous when he talks about the spirituality of his music. There is no conflict and, therefore, no sociological element to his music. Very beautiful, but I find it rather monotonous.
The Part DVD was more interesting. There is more musical diversity in Part than Tavener. Almost no mention of faith in any substantial way.

New Macmillan Music to listen:
-Why is this night different?
-Visions of a November Spring
-Adam's Rib
-They saw the stone had been Rolled Away
-I- (A meditation on Iona
-Visitatio Sepulchri

Trying to finish Begbie's "Resounding Truth" today. I've very much enjoyed it, but am learning that it is very difficult to speak of music theologically. Begbie is so pleasurable to read because he has a great ability to be very critical and very generous at the same time.

Long road ahead. A ton of reading to do. Hopefully I will be able to narrow down a specific theme to concentrate on in the next month.


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